House of Worship

Are you struggling to cope with the technology you have in your House of Worship? Don’ panic, we are here to help.

There are many different technical roles within a House of Worship, which will vary depending whether you are a small, medium or large organisation. So to help you get your head round it, we have put together a set of guides to help HoW leaders to understand what they need within their technical team in respect of skills and the size of their congregation and building.

If you are responsible for the technical systems in any way, these documents will help you work out what you or your team need to know to most-effectively operate the equipment you have. 

If you are considering a career in HoW technology, we can guide you into the type of training you will need to underake and guide you on your journey.

Setting the standard

Standards define common ground about a subject or skill so everyone knows what isto expect. .

If you are involved in HoW technology on a regular basis and can feel you are able to contribute to defining and implementing these standards, please get in touch via our Contact Us page

Document area

Available standards

These document provide an overview of the the various technical roles found in a House of Worship and what may typically be used depending on the size of the HoW congregation.

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These documents provide a definition of the knowledge, skills,  behaviours and competence you should expect to have from someone performing a Stage Crew role. 

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Standards in Development


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